In Indian Astrology Lord Shani gives Aquarians truthfulness, wisdom, power & reputation, patience, love of justice, ability to lead, long life, sincerity, integrity, awareness of right and wrong.
When Saturn is malefic in a horoscope, in transit or causes Sadesati, use of Aquarius Rashi Yantra is very Beneficial. Aquarius Rahi Yantra is useful, when one feels depressed. The Problems Caused to Aquarians are paralysis, insanity, limb injury, cancer, tumors, heart pain, rheumatism, bronchitis etc.
Properly Mantra Healed Aquarius Rashi Yantra written on Bhoj Patra / Copper Plate, helps in achieving sucess in wordly affairs, success in business and the person touches the dizzy heights. Aquarius Rashi Yantra must be kept and worshipped in temple of your house. By the use of this Yantra malefic effects of Saturn are eliminated. |