Piles is a condition where the veins in the anal region get swollen and starts to bleed. Piles are abnormally enlarged and dilated blood vessels (mainly veins) around the back passage or anus. They are also known as haemorrhoids. There are two types of piles - internal and external. As the name suggests, internal piles occur inside the anus and cause the release of blood. External piles can be seen and felt on the outside of the anus. Though they are painful, they do not bleed as much.
When Medical Science fails to Cure Your Diseases, Our Indian Vedic Astrology Provides Relief in Different Health Problems. Thousands of Patients from 133 Countries have been Cured by Guru Rajneesh Rishi through Astro Medical Rings, while they were going through medical treatment for long time.
Guruji is just Providing a Set of Astro Medical Rings / Pendant ( Locket ) which is a very Easy and Effective way as compared to taking series of medicines every day. You may too Request Guruji to Bless you with these Mantra Healed Rings to Cure your Disease.
Guru Rajneesh Rishi hereby Suggest and Provide - A Set of 2 Mantra Healed Astro Medical Gem Rings / Locket / Pendant to Cure Your all type of Piles Problems. These Tested Astro Medical Rings are prepared as per instructions of Guru Rajneesh Rishi and Mantra Healed ( Praan Pratishta ) at Proper Mahurats as per Vedic Hindu Mythology.