People who cannot Afford Costly Precious Gem Rings but still want to improve their Condition Quickly and want to Change Bad effects of their Negative Planets are recommended to wear Semi Precious Gem Rings which are also popularly known as Substitute Gem Rings.
If Semi - Precious Gem Rings are Mantra Healed Properly in 3 Different Stages then they also bring positive and Good Results like Precious Gems Ring, But as they are the Substitute of Original Gem Rings, their Effect varies from 70-80 % as compared to Precious Gem Rings.
Apart from the Cost and Effects Mantra Healed Precious Gem Rings have a Life of 3.5 Years and all Semi - Precious Gem Rings have a Life of 1 Year Only.
Mantra Healed Semi Precious Gem Ring are also Recommendable for those who are about to use these Magical Gem Rings for the First Time and are unfaithful the Results. But this Point shall also be Noted that Any Gem Ring which is not Properly Mantra Healed will not make you Feel any Changes in your Life and it is Equal to only a show piece or a jewellery. |